According to Wikipedia, guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Mexico, Central America and the northern part of South America. They were later adopted as a crop in other regions such as the southern parts of America, Asia and tropical Africa.
Listed below are all the amazing benefits that guava and guava juice have to offer you.
Guava Is A Powerhouse Of Phytonutrients: Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in plants that provide immunity and protection for the plant, and for the human body. Phytonutrients aren’t essential for keeping you alive like vitamins and minerals are, but they may help prevent disease and keep your body functioning properly.
Guava Has Cancer-Fighting Properties: Guava contains an important carotenoid called lycopene. Lycopene is something that gives red fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, their colour. Lycopene just so happens to also help fight off damaging molecules known as free radicals.
Guava helps Control Blood Sugar:
Guava and guava juice are low in sugar and high in fibre. What does this mean for regulating your blood sugar? It means eating guava will slowly; naturally and efficiently raise your sugar levels instead of providing that sudden spike that most unhealthy sugars will. Guava Maintains Eye Health: Guava is a great source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is involved in eyesight. According to NDTV, guava “can not only prevent degradation of eyesight, but even improve eyesight. It can help slow down the appearance of cataracts and macular degeneration.” Although they don’t have quite as much vitamin A as carrots do, they are still a decent source.
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